
bread and other things.

Bread has always been one of those things on my culinary list that I really wanted to try. I have made several haphazard attempts to make my own bread and failed every time, so I decided to put that goal on hold for a while...

making magic

Then a few weeks ago, I bought this book, after hearing great reviews about it over here. The book's photographs look amazing, and it presents an easy approach to baking your own bread. I was excited to see if this method would produce better results.


I made a batch of the first recipe in the book, known as the Boule or basic dough. Like the book suggests, I bought a large plastic food storage container, and mixed all the ingredients right in the bucket. I let everything rise for a few hours and stuck it in the fridge.

The next day, I was super excited to make a loaf. However, the day got the best of me and somehow I never got around to making the bread. Instead, I flipped through the book and decided to use the dough to make pizza. I flattened a ball onto a peel and topped it with tomato paste, cheese and some veggies.


After 12 minutes, I got this...


smoked mozzarella. caramelized onions. roasted red peppers. bacon.


jesus christ. it was good. After 20 minutes of moaning and licking the plates, we officially declared that homemade pizza is superior to all others. The book has already been worth the purchase- just for that one dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jay makes the best homemade pizzas-definatly better than store bought...although your caramelized onions and bacon look simply mouthwatering!