
urban homesteading

Lately I have been looking again at generations past, for inspiration in functionality and frugality...

I'm using homemade deodorant:


cocoa butter

and its the best stuff I have ever used.


I've also been air drying my laundry:


fresh lanudry

and clearly I am not the only person feeling notstaligc about my clothes line-

from this Washington Post article:

"Sunshine is the single most powerful natural resource we have," one Australian friend said. "Why should we dig up fossil fuels to dry our laundry when we have a renewable source that costs nothing?" 
the "right to dry"

up next.... homemade underwear


Bailey rolls her eyes at me.


Island fever

Maybe it is because I really need a vacation, but I have been thinking about Hawaii a lot this past week.

I miss the whales, the rain, and the beaches.

I especially long for the delicious food we ate--I really love Hawaiian cooking. It is such a wonderful blend of so many ethnic flavors. My favorite Hawaiian cookbook is by Sam Choy, which I found at a bookstore. Though I have never eaten at his restaurant, I really like the dishes in the book. They are decadent, but fairly simple to make.


For dinner, I decided to make a plate lunch; one of my favorite meals. The Mister had never had one before our trip to Maui, and now he is a loyal fan.


For our version, we chose to make a dual meal of chicken katsu and teriyaki beef; served with macaroni salad and coconut rice.


hawaiian plate lunch