
All work and no play makes jack a dull frog


My posts have been infrequent recently, thanks to some insane work deadlines and a general feeling of exhaustion. I had a few posts started and never published, but I've decided to go ahead anyway and just finish them. I'll try and make up for lost time and post some lovely things I have seen and done recently.


The community garden is in full swing. In addition to all the wonderful corn, tomatoes, peppers and basil that is growing, there is an abundance of lovely flowers in bloom including sunflowers, dahlias, and zinnias.


Unfortunately there was a plague that swept through the garden and gave every one's squash a nasty disease. I came out to my plot to find a bright red flier attached to one of my tomato cages. The scarlet letter indicated that I had to rip out all my squash plants immediately, in order to ensure that the soil does not become diseased. I am learning that the community garden is the plant equivalent of a brothel. If there is something icky going around, everybody is most likely going to get it!


So no zucchini, no pumpkins and no spaghetti squash for now. I might replant some pumpkins, but I'm going to wait a few weeks to make sure this virus is gone for good. Luckily the tomatoes are healthy and looking good, as well as the rest of the garden crops. I am fascinated by the tomatillo plants. They look like little paper lanterns while they are growing:


In other news, work has recently taken me to San Luis Obispo. Had a wonderful solo meal at this lovely restaurant. On the way home, I stopped off a rest area just north of Santa Barbara and snapped a few photo with my Nikon:




It has been a busy few months, but I cannot complain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you!