
Recharging the batteries

It has been a much needed and deserved weekend at the frog ranch house. Cooking has been sporadic lately due to a lack of time and energy. I managed to pull it together and make a kick ass dinner on Saturday night. We started with some chips and guacamole, using this recipe- which is oh-my-god yummy. I added red onions to the recipe, because you can never have have enough onions.


Seriously, is this food porn or what?


We worked our way up to a nice slow cooked dinner of baby back ribs slathered in barbeque sauce. Ribs were served with smashed potatoes, boiled then roasted and topped with salt, pepper and rosemary. Grilled corn coated in a compound butter of chili pepper and lime completed the dish. Recipes here, here and here.




Sunday, we spent the afternoon strolling around the Long Beach Flea Market. I am thrilled to see that it has grown larger in the past 6 months, and that there are so many people walking up and down the aisles. I managed to pick up a few things, including a black depression glass bowl for my Halloween collection, and a few pretty silver-plate platters. It is never too early to get ready for Halloween!!


We lunched at beachwood bbq. If you have not been here yet, go. Now. Seriously, right now.

The weekend ended with a very sweet and beautiful gift from my mother: a lovely set of the glassware- the same kind that is served at the Ritz Carlton. We went to the Ritz for mother's day tea, and I completely fell in love with their stemware. If I hadn't been carrying a clutch...


Luckily, now I have my own to cherish and enjoy! Thanks again mom, these are amazing.

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Anonymous said...